English today was interesting. We read poems and wrote our own Acrostic poem. I will share with you three of my favorite poems we read.
Hold my hand
by Mari Evans
hold my hand
let me touch you
there is
we can
eludes me
when I reach
your eyes
my need to know
hold my hand
since there is
nothing we can say
Where Have You Gone
by Mari Evans
Where have you gone
with your confident
walk with
your crooked smile
why did you leave
when you took your
and departed
are you aware that
with you
went the sun
all light
and what few stars
there were?
where have you gone
with your confident
walk your
crooked smile the
rent money
in one pocket and
my heart
in another . . .
(this last one is not normally one I would enjoy, but the end I just found SO funny!)
Incident in a Rose Garden: Donald JusticeGardener
Sir, I encountered Death
Just now among our roses
Thin as a scythe he stood there.
I knew him by his pictures
He had on his black coat
Black gloves, and broad black hat.
I think he would have spoken,
Seeing his mouth stood open.
Big it was, with white teeth.
As soon as he beckoned, I ran.
I ran untill I found you.
Sir, I'm quitting my job.
I want to see my sons
Once more before I die.
I want to see California.
Sir, you must be that stranger
Who threatened my gardener.
This is my property, sir.
I welcome only friends here.
Sir, I knew your father.
And we were friends at the end.
As for your gardener,
I did not threaten him.
Old men mistake my gestures.
I only ment to ask him
To show me to his master.
I take it you are he?
In Geometry today I was told that the test I took last week was only half the test. That means I have to take the rest of it tomorrow. This shall be interesting. I sure hope I do okay!

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