Anyways, Thursday I was so pleased with myself. I started and finished one section in Geometry in an hour and a half! I was just tickled pink! Now I will start getting into the nitty gritty stuff of Geometry. That is going to be interesting to say the least!
Friday was my English sub's last day. :( I was able to get all my homework done in her class, or almost all of it anyway. We then kinda talked for the rest of class because she didn't have any other material to cover. I am going to miss her! My regular teacher starts back today. Time for more transitioning again. To figure out exactly how she expects tests to be done and the like. There is a good possibility that I have a test today in English. Eek!
Speaking of tests....I have to know Amendments to the Constitution #11-27 for tomorrow in government. I guess thats a "Welcome to the life of school, we will pile many tests on you all in the same week!" I know..exaggeration but that is sometimes the way it feels!
Off to class I go!

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