So we were supposed to take a test Wednesday on the amendments in Government. Wednesday my teacher had asked for a faculty member who had just gotten back from the Democratic National Convention to explain about what she did there, how she got there, and stuff like that. That took up the whole class time so we did not have time to take the test. It was postponed until Thursday. I was kinda disappointed, I was really ready to take the test.
Anyway, Thursday comes, we take the test. The teacher grades them as we hand them in. We are almost all done with the test when the teacher announces that he believes that there were some of the class that received outside help, aka cheating. So we will all have to take the test the second hour of class. That did not go over well. It started a shouting and cursing match. The teacher left to take care of one students attitude problems leaving the room unattended. Not the smartest thing in the world to do. It was beginning to get so bad I got up out of the class room and sat down in the hall way. I closed the door behind me so I could actually concentrate on what I was trying to study. I wasn't out there long before another girl came out and joined me. She had seen some of the guys cheat and they were cursing at her. It sounded like a riot was going to start in there! Thankfully the teacher came back so things settled down a little bit. We took the test over again. I got the same thing I had the first time, so no big deal. What did I get you ask? 100%
Today is my teachers birthday. I took her a card into class with me yesterday along with a small present. The card read, "Happy Birthday to the most bestest English teacher ever!" I know, its horrible grammar. That was the point. Here is the gift I gave her. She is the Comma Queen, so she says.

For those of you who are not sure what this is, its a Burger King Crown with a little modification.
English was fun too! We were able to have donuts on break! There were so good! We also got to watch Happy Feet for the last half of class. I had not seen it before. I want to see the rest of it now!
Remember my little candy buddy from the stair well? He was not there yesterday afternoon after class. :( Oh well, it was neat seeing him there this week!