My homework today consists of:
- Finishing up class work from English 1
- Writing two journals for English 1
- Copying Government notes
- Watch the Democratic Convention and write a paper for extra credit in Government.
I finished most of it. I am waiting right now for the Convention to start. I am not quite sure what part of the convention I will write about. My English teacher is at the convention. I am hoping to see my teacher on TV.
Seeing as my English teacher is gone we have a sub this week. I am so glad I was able to end up with the original teacher and not this sub for the 8 weeks. She is not mean, just very strict. Everything for her must be done in pen. Her requirements for the journals are very strict. She wants a very orderly class room. There is nothing wrong with those things but I enjoy the other teachers perspective better.
Now, the difficulty with watching the Convention, when does it start? There is plenty of other pre-convention stuff that makes it hard to find out when exactly the CONVENTION starts. Why must every big event, weather it is a political thing, a ball game, or a race does it have to have so much stuff before it actually start? Can't we just give the time the specific event starts?
Anyways, sorry, didn't want to turn this into a political rant!

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