Friday, August 15, 2008

First day of school

Hi, I would like to introduce myself. I am Book Worm. I am an adult who for the first time is going to school. You may be wondering how that can be. I have done school before but never GONE to school to do the work. I will be starting for the first time on August 18th 2008. I plan to tell my stories here. Feel free to comment or ask questions.

I am collecting my supplies now and buying books. Who knew text books could cost as much as a nice MP3 player? Mine were the cheap ones too! At least pencils, pens, paper and three ringed binders are still inexpensive. There is some very cool stylish supplies out there. I find my inner kid coming out. Why can't I have psychedelic pens, notebooks, and folders? Okay, maybe those weird looks from my fellow class mates is a good enough reason.

I hope you all enjoy this blog as it gets going. :)

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