First of all I was sitting there Wednesday night and realized that there was something written on my right elbow. Keep in mind that I am right handed. So I looked at it curiously. Apparently after I had written something on my paper with my pen I leaned on it and it is now imprinted on my elbow. I tried to read it, but it was too smudged. :( would have been interesting to see what was written there.
Today in English we had something kinda funny happen. We did a work sheet for practice. After we had swapped our papers to see if the other person agreed or disagreed with our answers and swapped back, we were talking about the differences. Every difference I had put on the person's paper I had looked at were right. Everyone she had marked different on mine were wrong. There was another student that had asked her to correct his sheet. She looked up at him with this egzasperated (is that how you spell that? if not can someone leave a comment telling me HOW to spell that word?) and asked "Are you sure you want me to check your paper?" We all had to laugh or at least snicker about it. Just one of those things that make the day fun.
OH! I will say this. I did not realize how much paper work is required in putting one person through school until this past week. I also did not know one person could be bounced back and forth between two different places so much! Good grief! Want to cut the government budget? You could save a bundle on the paper and ink!
After having to finagle my way into Geometry I am finally in and learning. I am enjoying it! I hope I can finish it in the next, 7 weeks now!

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