I am beginning to REALLY like my English sub. She is fun too, just in her own subtle way. I will miss her when she is gone. She challenges you to go as far as you can and get as much done in the time allotted. Unlike many of the teachers that just give you the answers she wants you to think. Why couldn't my other teachers have been more like this?
My day was going great today. I had finished up all my homework before I left the class room, and my team had won the game in Government. Just by one point, but thats all it takes to win. All my notes had been copied during my free time in English. All I had left was Geometry. Geometry went great too. I was sailing through the lessons. Comprehending quickly and getting the answers right. I only needed to do one thing before I hit my goal.
Then I hit a snag. I had a quiz I had to do. It was 5 minutes before my ride was to show up. I thought I could take it home. I couldn't...I had to do it then. I really couldn't say that I didn't have time because she just scrounged around for several minutes trying to find it. So I did it anyways. I made my ride wait about ten minutes for me. They didn't seem to mind, but I hate doing that to them. They don't have to take me to class, it is a favor really.
Goodnight all!